Transparency and Open Data in the Public Sector: A Knowledge Network Model

Bisogno Marco, Aiello Rossella, Nota Giancarlo, Tommasetti Aurelio

Past decades have been characterized by a growing demand for transparency in the field of public administrations. Scholars have illustrated the evolution concerning technological tools and methodologies through which this concept can be implemented. Additionally, according to previous literature (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; Zahra and George, 2002), in order to be innovative a public sector organization should develop its ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it and apply it to improve quality of services provided to the general public.
The paper focuses on this last point, with the main aim being conflating managerial perspective on transparency with the role of ICT within the wide concept of open data. More specifically, the paper aims at presenting a model that focuses on the transparency property of knowledge networks emphasizing how such a model can be built and managed, taking into account intra- and inter-organisational routines, in the light of the public service-dominant logic paradigm.

Key-Words: Sistemi informativi, transparency, open data, knowledge management, knowledge network.