The Italian way: a growing community in Public Administration and Management

Scognamiglio Fulvio, Corvo Luigi, Sancino Alessandro

This study examines the evolving landscape of Public Administration and Management (PAM) through a bibliometric analysis of international publications by Italian scholars. It aims to understand the field’s development, its disciplinary impacts, and Italian scholarship contributions to global PAM discourse. By integrating quantitative and qualitative methods, the research highlights the field’s growth, gender balance, internationalization, and intellectual collaborations within Italy. Key findings include the identification of major authors, institutions, and three main thematic clusters: public sector accounting and performance; collaborative governance; behavioural public administration.

Keywords: Public Administration, public management, bibliometrics

Scognamiglio F., Corvo L., Sancino A. (2024). The Italian way: a growing community in Public Administration and Management, Azienda Pubblica, 2, 321-347. DOI: 10.30448/AP.2024.2.06