Sommario IX Sezione

Convegno Sidrea 2016

IX Sezione – Amministrazioni Pubbliche

Sommario Volume Elettronico – ISBN 978-88-917-3660-4


Luca Anselmi


p. 5
Maura Campra, Paolo Esposito, Paolo Ricci

Il governo e il controllo dell’integrità pubblica per la creazione di valore: consonanze e dissonanze strategiche e gestionali

» 7
Arianna Rosi

Il pay for performance nelle Utilities italiane. Un’analisi esplorativa dei sistemi retributivi del top management

» 27
Alessia Patuelli

L’autorità di regolazione dei trasporti in Italia: primi effetti nel trasporto ferroviario passeggeri

» 47
Laura Broccardo, Francesca Culasso, Elisa Giacosa, Giuseppe Grossi, Elisa Truant

Innovation and smart city projects. Explorative analysis of italian municipalities

» 61
Vincenzo Sforza, Riccardo Cimini

National and governmental accounting in EU member states. A temporal study

» 69
Eleonora Cardillo, Daniela Ruggeri

Performance Measurement innovations in the organizational routines: theoretical insight and empirical evidences from an italian local government

» 87
Paolo Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia

The Popular Financial Reporting as tool of transparency and accountability

» 109
Vincenzo Vigneri, Angelo Guerrera, Giovanni Scirè

Tourism Governance at Stake: supporting decision makers in a small town through an Interactive Learning Environment

» 127


Ulteriori paper presentati al Convegno Sidrea 2016


Luca Ferri, Clelia Fiondella, Marco Maffei, Rosanna Spano’

Corruption prevention and reporting. Legitimacy concerns in the Italian Regional Governments

Alessandro Spano, Benedetta Bello’

The (in)dependence of public managers from politicians in public sector organizations: a comparative research

Elena Gori, Alberto Romolini, Silvia Fissi

The local authorities’ role in disseminating gender equality. Evidence from Italy

Giacomo Manetti, Marco Bellucci, Luca Bagnoli

The management of the plague in Florence at the beginning of Renaissance: the role of the partnership between the Republic and the Confraternita of Misericordia

Lucia Biondi, Anita Masi

The Result of Administration and the Fiscal Year Result:Evidence from the Accounting Experimentation in Italian Local Authorities

Anita Masi

Accounting and mathematical models for the management of public resources in a spendig review context

Carlotta Del Sordo, Rebecca Orelli, Emanuele Padovani, Marco Tieghi

Higher Education Reform in Italy: Results of Accounting Change by Law

Vania Palmieri

Cutback management in Italian Territorial Entities: main approaches and HRs cost-cutting strategies impact