Rilevazione del gap tra DRG price e internal cost: implicazioni di case-mix accounting

Cattaneo Cristiana, Bassani Gaia

Case-mix accounting. The gap analysis between DRG price and internal cost

In recent years, national and international studies analyse issues related to the consumption of resources, efficiency and appropriate costs in health care. In this framework, the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) system and its implication for case mix, management accounting systems and processes in hospitals still requires research. This study has two objectives. The primary purpose is to investigate the gap between DRGs price and the internal cost for the hospital. The focus on the nursing care and non clinical services is due to the increasing relevance of the health and social care domain and non clinical services as well. Secondly, we want to investigate the opportunity to implement, especially at the national level, accounting case mix systems. The analysis in a hospital in northern Italy provides some results and insights in both directions.

Keywords: DRG, case mix accounting, cost, hospital.

Cattaneo C., Bassani G. (2017), Rilevazione del gap tra DGR price e internal cost: implicazioni di case-mix accounting, Management Control, 2, pp. 13-31, Doi: 10.3280/MACO2017-002002