Performance e Execution oppure Performance è Execution?

Maraghini Maria Pia, Riccaboni Angelo

Performance and Execution or Performance is Execution?

The term ‘performance’ is progressively recovering its lost dignity (at least in recent years).

In particular, it correlates perfectly – much better than its ‘substitutes’ – to the concept of execution, today more than ever at the center of the debate around the theme of how companies should be managed and governed. This highlights the pivotal role of the ‘performance’ within the overall Management (or Performance Management) System.

Recognizing that, this issue completely focuses on the theme of business ‘performance’, with the aim of highlighting its role of an effective (as well as timely) planning, programming, measurement, analysis and evaluation of company performance in supporting corporate governance.

Keywords: performance, measurement, shared value, sustainable development, execution, performance management.


Maraghini, M.P. (2019). Performance e Execution oppure Performance è Execution? Management Control, n. 2, pp. 5-12. DOI: 10.3280/MACO2019-002001