Metaverse: Value creation and performance measurement across physical and digital world

Capurro Rosita, Fiorentino Raffaele, Garzella Stefano, Marciano Stefano

This study provides a first conceptualization of the Metaverse from a strategic management perspective and advances performance measurement approaches for the Metaverse value creation. Specifically, the study aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Metaverse and the related implications on the value creation processes of the companies. In order to achieve this goal, we performed a detailed literature review on digital transformation, Metaverse and performance measurement topics. Thus, we have developed a theoretical framework useful to facilitate the implementation of successful strategies in the Metaverse and subsequent monitoring and evaluation of achieved results.
The paper provides relevant contributions in theory and practice. From a theoretical perspec-tive, the results contribute to the strategic management and performance management litera-ture streams, extending them to the dimension of the “digital world”. From a practical per-spective, the results identify new performance measurement and new indicators useful for companies and practitioners to understand the link between Metaverse and value creation paths. Future studies should integrate the theoretical analysis with explorative empirical in-vestigations.

Keywords: Metaverse, Value creation, Strategic management, Digitalization, Performance measurement