La valutazione della ricerca tramite indici bibliometrici: riflessioni da una prospettiva economico-aziendale

Giuliani Marco, Marasca Stefano

Research evaluation and bibliometrics: reflections from a business economics perspective

In dependence of the lack of resources and the consequent need to manage better the allocation process, there is a growing interest regarding the issue of research evaluation. In particular, it is possible to notice a more frequent use of bibliometrics and citation-based indexes (impact factor, h-index, eigenfactor, etc.).

The aim of this paper is to analyse to what extent citation-based indexes can be used to evaluate the research in business economics

In order to achieve the abovementioned aim, the paper proposes a review of the main indexes analyzing their pros and cons and then it tries to draw some critical conclusions with reference to the citation behavior and to the used data base. In the last section, the paper proposes some reflections regarding the use of citation-based indexes for evaluating the research in business economics

Giuliani M., Marasca S. (2015), La valutazione della ricerca tramite indici bibliometrici: riflessioni da una prospettiva economico-aziendale, Management Control, 1, pp. 133-151, Doi: 10.3280/MACO2015-001006