La “casualità” nell’economia delle aziende e la funzione mediatrice della intelligenza emotiva

Paolone Giuseppe, Ippolito Adelaide, Marcello Raffaele, Sorrentino Marco


The aim of the paper is to analyses the complexity theory in business administration, starting from the consideration of the critical role assumed by randomness and emotional intelligence. The paper is based on a theoretical analysis of the literature and the consequent theorization of concepts on randomness. The findings significantly indicated the effects produced on corporate stability by randomness. A further finding is constituted by the consideration of the effects produced on corporate stability by emotional intelligence which, together with other intelligences, represents the central variable in the process of formation, dissemination and learning of the corporate culture. Theoretical analysis is developed considering the main existing literature on systems theory applied to the company; in addition, the literature has analyzed the fundamental studies on randomness applied to business phenomena and studies on the role of emotional intelligence, useful
for reducing the effects of randomness. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge about randomness and emotional intelligence in business administration. In particular, the concepts of randomness and emotional intelligence have often been analysed in business disciplines in a disjointed way. The paper intends to consider these phenomena jointly, since it is the authors’ opinion that emotional intelligence, integrated with cognitive processes, applied to casualism is able to provide the right lever to counteract the negative effects of chance and amplify the positive ones. in a process whose final point gives rise to effects on the conditions of company balance, favoring learning. In fact, the action of the relational and communicational capacity of emotional intelligence plays an important role in the process of formation, dissemination and learning of the corporate culture, allowing the company to act in harmony with the environment in a coordinated way,
creating a evolution process that allows to learn from environmental stimuli, and to react and anticipate risks, creating the profitable conditions of chaotic order, index of business survival and development, able to preserve the conditions of business equilibrium.


Randomness, Emotional intelligence, Social intelligence, Managerial intelligence, Business administration.

Paolone, G., Ippolito, A., Marcello, R., Sorrentino, M. (2021). La "casualità" nell'economia delle aziende e la funzione mediatrice della intelligenza emotiva, RIREA, n. 3, pp. 314-333 DOI: 10.17408/RIREAGPAIRMMS091011122021