Il risk management e i social media: un’analisi della loro relazione in letteratura

Presti Claudia, Mancini Daniela

Risk Management and Social Media: an analysis of their relationship in the literature

In recent years, the rapid development of new information and communication technologies, such as Social Media (SM), offers new opportunities and threats to the Risk Management (RM) domain. Nevertheless, in the business administration literature, compared to other research fields, the real use of SM in RM practices remains a fairly unexplored issue. Based on a structured literature review of the contributions dealing with this topic, the aim of this work is to analyse the state of the art and identify possible research opportunities with regard to two main focuses: the relationship between RM and SM and the stages of the RM process in which SM can be used. This research work contributes to the literature by identifying unexplored area of research and new perspective of analysis of the multidimensional relationship between RM and SM. From a practical point of view, it provides a framework relating to the interconnections and the specific possibilities of use of the SM in the different stages of the RM process.

Keywords: Risk Management, Social Media, Literature review.

Presti, C., Mancini, D. (2020). Il risk management e i social media: un’analisi della loro relazione in letteratura, Management Control, n. 2, pp. 155-178, DOI:10.3280/MACO2020-002008