Il controllo delle relazioni inter-organizzative all’epoca dell’edificazione della cupola del Brunelleschi (1420-1436)

Barretta Antonio D., Di Pietra Roberto, Pescini Ilaria


Built between 1420 and 1436, the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence is one of the most important architectural works of all time. Although the splendour of the work is due to Brunelleschi’s genius and perseverance, the reasons for the success of the initiative also depended on some decisions made regarding the management of the cathedral’s construction. The aim of this study is to identify the mechanisms used in 15th century Florence to control inter- organizational relationships among the institutions involved in the construction of Brunelleschi’s dome: the Florentine government, the Wool Guild and the Opera of the cathedral. In fact, the Florentine government, which financed construction of the cathedral, delegated the management of the Opera – an institution founded in the 14th century for the construction of the cathedral – to the Wool Guild, the powerful association of textile entrepreneurs. To identify the control mechanisms applied to the inter- organizational relationships mentioned above, we adopt a concept of control that includes all mechanisms used to direct the behaviours and decisions of the personnel operating within an organization. In particular, we refer to the concept of management control systems as a package structured around five areas: planning, cybernetic, reward and compensation, administrative and cultural controls (MALMI&BROWN, 2008). Our study uses both archival sources and the literature regarding the management of the Opera. Original documentation produced by the Florentine government, the Wool Guild and the Opera of the cathedral has also been analysed. Our study demonstrates how the inter-organizational relationships in question were controlled not only through public resource accountability, but mainly by means of shared values, public consultations and the procedures used to nominate the principal administrators of the Opera. By investigating how these mechanisms relate to each other within the package, we also identify complementarity and substitution, two types of interdependences among management control practices (GRABNER&MOERS, 2013). With the conviction that historical studies can offer a contribution to the development of modern theory (CARNEGIE&NAPIER 1996 and 2012), this paper aims to contribute to the doctrine on the control of inter- organizational relationships by demonstrating that to properly investigate such matters, it is necessary to consider all of the mechanisms that may direct personnel involved in these relationships.

KEYWORDS: inter-organizational relationships, management control systems as a package, Brunelleschi’s dome

Barretta, A. D., Di Pietra, R. & Pescini, I. (2019). Il controllo delle relazioni inter-organizzative all’epoca dell’edificazione della cupola del Brunelleschi (1420-1436), RIREA, n.2, pp. 161-187