I riflessi delle gestioni commissariali sul bilancio degli enti locali

Ziruolo Andrea, Deidda Gagliardo Enrico

ABSTRACT: (THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE MANAGEMENT IN THE BALANCE OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY). This paper, observing the under receiverships local governments in the Abruzzo region within the time frame 2004 – 2008, want to analyze, for the first time ever, the laws for dissolution of the consulting bodies of the local government agencies of Italy, provided for in Article 141 of Legislative Decree no. 267, August 18, 2000 . This law disposes for the appointment of a Commissioner by the Prefecture to carry on with the governance in place of the political government agency for the pursuance of the government in spite of political bodies. The aim of this research, which is the first one of all time who try to analyze a small pool of local governments of the Italian public administration, is to identify all the critical issues, trying to find all the elements that must be to overcome for improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the actions of Commissioners, and create the basement for future researches. Due to the Public Performance Management and Measurement (PPMM) approach, authors have tried to analyze the action of a Commissioner by the Prefeture through a multidimensional investigation, of their Performance so as to steer the necessary redefinition of the institution towards raising the standard quantitative and qualitative productivity and cost containment which guide, restricting it, the path to follow. This is because it must be possible to pervade the bureaucratic action of Commissioners, as well as emerge from the search results, by a system of values designed to guide his public behavior and to measure the results, in view of the creation of public value (Public Value Management or PVM), although on this occasion ,because of the characteristics of the commissioner through guidelines established by the Central Administration, that Commissioners must observe. The heterogeneity that characterizes the figure of Commissioner in the different administrative systems International led the authors to not carry out an analysis of comparative with that of other countries, but to national circumscribe it, comparing the performance of the commissioner’s management with that of management policies . In particular, we sought to test whether the commissioners are more or less efficient than the political bodies in the management of local Italian Governments, not forgetting the constraints which can be found in strategic and operational estimated balance sheets guidelines often already approved by its political bodies ranging to replace. Moreover, being the non-elected commissioners organs, face greater operational constraints than elected because their activities ferrying the new administration is essentially maintaining the status quo and administrative regularization of the shortcomings of the functioning of the municipality. Precisely for these reasons, the commissioner’s management were found to be directed at containing the financial risk related to investment decisions and not to increase leverage tax and tariff, although this fact does not allow to consider options to create value for the communities directly administered but only institutional opportunities.

KEYWORDS: Local government, Public value, Performance indicator.

Ziruolo, A., Deidda Gagliardo, E. (2016). I riflessi delle gestioni commissariali sul bilancio degli enti locali, RIREA, n.1, pp. 40-55.