Enrico Cavalieri, un economista aziendale convinto

Ferraris Franceschi Rossella

ABSTRACT: (ENRICO CAVALIERI, A COMMITTED BUSINESS ECONOMIST). The aim of this paper is to survey the contributions of Enrico Cavalieri to business economics and accounting. The scientific work of Cavalieri spreads from the 50° years of the last century to the last year of his life (2012). It is analyzed under the light of his evolution. The scholar brought together science and culture. He proposed a systematic theory about product organizations, business and enterprise. This paper presents a historical interpretation of his whole work sharing it in: methodological aspects, global vision and systematic, business and enterprise concept, responsible management and ethics, social integration, analysis and evaluation of productive process.

KEYWORDS: business economics, responsible management, theory of Business and Enterprise

Ferraris Franceschi, R. (2017). Enrico Cavalieri, un economista aziendale convinto, RIREA, n.2, pp. 158-171.