La crisi COVID-19 come “crash-test” per i sistemi di controllo aziendali: il caso di un’azienda di trasporto pubblico locale

Badia Francesco, Galeone Graziana, Ranaldo Simone

Covid-19 Crisis as a Crash-Test for Control Systems: A local public transport company case

Management control systems can favor the pursuing of the organizational aims and mitigate or anticipate the risks. This work intends to focus on the fundamental characters of management control systems, detected in moments of particular criticality and instability, such as the health emergency, due to the pandemic triggered by the Covid-19. Through the methodology of the case study, the work aims to highlight that a structuring and implementation of the control system, consistent with the managerial approach can provide an effective response to a specific emergency such as the Covid-19 crisis. This corresponds to the case of local public transport company, here analyzed. The assumption of this work is that a management control system, capable of overcoming this sort of “crash-test” (where the Covid-19 crisis is considered with a parallelism to the tests conducted in the cars quality control) is essential for guiding management choices and behaviors, when fundamental decisions must be made to ensure business continuity.

Keywords: Management control systems, Covid-19, corporate crisis

Badia F., Galeone G., Ranaldo S. (2021). La crisi COVID-19 come "crash-test" per i sistemi di controllo aziendali: il caso di un’azienda di trasporto pubblico locale, Management Control, n. 1, pp. 57-80. DOI: 10.3280/MACO2021-001004