Big data and artificial intelligence for health system sustainability: The case of Veneto Region

Dicuonzo Grazia, Donofrio Francesca, Fusco Antonio, Dell’Atti Vittorio

This paper investigates the digitalization challenges facing the Italian healthcare system. The aim of the paper is to support healthcare organizations as they take advantage of the potential of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to promote sustainable healthcare systems.

Both the development of innovative processes in the management of health care activities and the introduction of healthcare forecasting systems are valuable resources for clinical and care activities and enable a more efficient use of inputs in essential-level care delivery. By examining an innovative project developed by the Regional Social Health Agency (ARSS) of Veneto, this study analyses the impact of big data and AI on the sustainability of a healthcare system. In order to answer the research question, we used a case study methodology. We conducted semi-structured interviews with key members of the organizational group involved in the case. The results show that the implementation of AI algorithms based on big data in healthcare both improves the interpretation and processing of data, and reduces the time frame necessary for clinical processes, having a positive effect on sustainability.

Keywords: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Healthcare System, Digitalization, Health Planning.


Dicuonzo G., Donofrio F., Fusco A., Dell’Atti V. (2021). Big data and artificial intelligence for health system sustainability: The case of Veneto Region, Manangement Control, Suppl. 1, pp. 31-52. DOI: 10.3280/MACO2021-001-S1003