First Call for Papers – X Workshop Financial Reporting 🗓

Dear Colleagues,

following many requests, we are glad to inform you that the workshop’s submissions deadlines have been extended.
Please note that the new deadline for the abstract submission for the Xth FINANCIAL REPORTING WORKSHOP is set for 28 April 2019.

The new key dates are:
28 April 2019: Abstract submission deadline
10 May 2019: Notification to Authors
31 May 2019: Full paper submission deadline

The event will take place in Turin, Italy, on 20-21 June 2019.
For more information about this event click here.

Please feel free to circulate this information to colleagues who could be interested.

Kind regards,
The Organizing Committee



E’ attivo il Call for Papers del X Workshop di Financial Reporting.

Il Workshop si terrà presso l’Università di Torino nei giorni 20 e 21 giugno 2019.

La deadline per la presentazione degli abstract è il 28 aprile 2019.

Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile consultare il sito web:


from to
Scheduled Call for papers