La Business Intelligence e la Business Analytics nell’era dei Big Data: una analisi della letteratura

Petrosino Arianna, Mancini Daniela, Garzella Stefano, Lamboglia Rita

Business Intelligence and Business Analytics in the Big Data Era. A Literature Review

This research project is a preliminary study based on a literature review aiming at understanding the relevance of Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) in the context of Big Data (BD). We focus our attention on BI and BA as instruments to support the decision-making processes. The aims of this preliminary analysis is twofold. To draw a picture of the progress of studies regarding BI and BA in the era of BD, identifying the research centres that dealt with this topic, the major journals for the research purpose and the main research lines. To understand the relationship between these three key concept analysing publication and conference proceedings in different disciplinary fields.

We consider the Web of Science database, and we select 25 documents. According to this analysis, we identify three main streams of research concerning decision process challenges, the fields of employment of BI and BA technologies, and implementation methodologies. We also highlight the importance to develop research on the differences and the interconnections between BI and BA, the field of adoption of predictive and prescriptive models.

Keywords: Literature Analysis, Literature Review, Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Big Data, Business Data Analytics.

Tabella 5_ Collocazione-Prodotti-Ricerca

Tabella 7_Confronto-Concetti


Petrosino, A., Mancini, D., Garzella, S., Lamboglia, R. (2018). La Business Intelligence e la Business Analytics nell’era dei Big Data: una analisi della letteratura, Management Control, n.3, pp. 31-58. DOI: 10.3280/MACO2018-003003