International Summer School “Empirical Methods in Market Microstructure Research” 🗓

“The Department of Economics of the University of Molise, in collaboration with ECMCRC (European Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre) and CMCRC (Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre), is organizing an International Summer School on “Empirical Methods in Market Microstructure Research”.

The Summer School will take place from 9 to 13 July, 2018, and it is hosted in the stunning medieval town of Agnone, located in the north side of Molise.

Entirely taught in English, the programme addresses graduate and postgraduate students in
Economics with background knowledge in introductory finance and basic statistics.
The programme deals with empirical market microstructure research; it aims at investigating the impact of regulation or market structure on the quality and efficiency of markets, through a combination of introductory classes on how empirical research and “hands on” practical work in computer laboratory sessions.

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of (1) approaches
to empirical tests in market microstructure research, (2) Thompson Reuters Tick History
(TRTH) data and how it can be used to conduct empirical tests, and (3) the SAS language and how it can be used to analyse large datasets (Big Data) comprised of billions of observations.

Who should apply?

The EMMMR Summer School is targeted to those who would like to supplement their current studies and research in the field of financial markets. The EMMMR Summer School, taught entirely in English, is intended for PhD students, recent graduates and assistant researchers in all subjects related to the Summer School topics.

Summer School prize
Capital Market Cooperative Research Centre, an Australian leading research and development organisation based in Sydney, will offer the best performing student a grant of up to 5.000 AUD for reimbursement of costs to spend 3 weeks visiting its headquarter in Sydney to work on a specific research project. The student, depending on his/her performance, will be offered the possibility to join one of the CMCRC PhD programs. The PhD program has a duration of 3 years, to be spent mainly in Sydney, and the student, if successful, will benefit of annual scholarship of AUD 50,000.

Scientific Committee
Francesco Capalbo, Professor of Accounting, University of Molise, Italy
Alex Frino, Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Professor of Finance, University of Wollongong, Australia
Claudio Lupi, Professor of Economic Statistics, University of Molise, Italy
Alberto F. Pozzolo, Professor od Economics, University of Molise, Italy
Riccardo Palumbo, Professor of Accounting and Behavioural Finance, University “G. D’Annunzio”, Italy

Prof. Alex Frino (University of Wollongong)
Prof. Claudio Lupi (University of Molise)
Prof. Alberto F. Pozzolo (University of Molise)
Dr. Ivy Zhou (University of Wollongong)

The participation fee to the Summer School is 200€. This fee includes all teaching, social activities, some meals and transfer from and to Isernia on shuttle bus. Admitted applicants who accept the place shall agree to pay the programme fees in full within 15 days of notification of acceptance. Failure to do so, will result in the applicant’s cancellation.

Full details available at


Per il comitato Scientifico
Francesco Capalbo”


EMMMR summerschool 2018

Scheduled Eventi