Alternative performance measures and ESMA guidelines: stakeholder’s communication improving

Magli Francesca, Nobolo Alberto, Ogliari Matteo

The intensive development of the capital and the socio – cultural market which affect most of the countries has led to the need, on the part of regulatory bodies, to incorporate such changes even within the regulations on financial reporting. Deficiencies in the traditional financial reporting can be remedied by accounting profession, that is forced to issue very detailed standards to reduce these problems. In 2005, FASB and IASB decide to come in a common project to revise their conceptual frameworks and by redefining users groups, objectives of accounting reporting, elements of financial statements, rearrangement of the qualitative characteristics and issuance of a new common conceptual framework (Rostami and Salehi, 2011). In the same period the first recommendation on Alternative Performance Measures (“APM”) were made. Since 2005, it has been provided several updates on accounting principles and professional standards and today regulatory bodies have realized the importance of updating the regulation of APM. On 30 June 2015, the European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) issued new guidelines (“NGL”) about Alternative Performance Measures (“APM”) in substitution of the advisory note issued in 2005 by the Committee of European Security Regulators (“CESR”, today substituted by ESMA). Entities will have to adopt the guidelines from 3rd June 2016 on and the national Stock Exchange regulators will enforce them. In Italy CONSOB (Commissione nazionale per le Società e la Borsa – National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange). […]

Key-Words: Reporting integrato