Network agreements and firms’ economic performance: new empirical evidence from Italian SMEs

Cisi Maurizio, Devicienti Francesco, Manello Alessandro, Vannoni Davide

Taking advantage of the recent introduction in Italy of the formal network agreements, our research proposes a large-scale empirical investigation on the effect of networking among SMEs. Using a large and representative sample of Italian small and medium enterprises (SMEs), we estimate the short-term economic return for network members after the decision of entering a network. We find that network participation has a positive effect on the value added created per unit of revenues, as well as a positive effects on exports, while no clear effect emerges in term of profits (ROS and ROA). Additional estimates show that the advantages of being a network member are stronger for small firms, for firms operating in traditional industries and for firms located in less developed areas.

Key-Words: Reti aziendali e controllo relazionale

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