The Popular Financial Reporting as tool of transparency and accountability

Biancone Paolo, Secinaro Silvana, Brescia Valerio

The aim of the article is to analyze the role of the Popular Financial Reporting as tool of transparency and accountability.  Our analysis examines the case of “Popular Financial Reporting of the City of Turin”: by a questionnaire of analysis of the stakeholder satisfaction the study consider the different social variables because they influence the content and the comprehension. The method is based on data analysis reporting frequencies and percentages of answers of the questionnaire and, when possible, evaluating these results according to the level of instruction. The Chi-Square test was used to identify statistically significant differences among categories of educational level. Globally, the feedbacks were positive and the document could be defined as an important and strategic way to keep aware the stakeholders about the policies of the City. However, some improvement could be made, especially considering the differences observed among the educational level categories.

Key-Words: Public Sector Administration

Table I – Description sample

Table II – Opinion about the Popular Financial Reporting

Table III – Opinion about the Popular Financial Reporting according to the educational level