Il contributo del Sistema Informativo alla gestione logistica dei materiali. Un caso di studio nel settore sanitario

Del Bene Luca, Ceccarelli Riccardo

The contribution of the Information System to the logistic materials management. A case study in health sector

The internal distributive logistic process of materials appears to be primary and strategic activity in any type of company, both in the production of goods and services. In recent years, this issue has caught the attention of the scientific world and of the operative one.

Its smooth operation allows adequate enterprise risk management aimed at averting the occurrence of adverse events and the effective and efficient management of stocks to achieve cost reductions of storage and handling.

For inpatients or outpatients, with important consequences for the clinical risk management aimed to prevent the occurrence of adverse events.

In line with the evolution of doctrine, the informative system supporting the management assumes a configuration more and more close to the operations setting as a basic requirement to be able to make the tracing of the whole process. The purpose is to know the use of the resources, for what purposes and in what locations, in addition to managing the stock devices of the department. The management can thus have available a range of information crucial to know the cost for each health activity or to make trusted forecasts and programming. This paper illustrates how, starting from the critical issues identified in a specific operational context and characterizing the most logistics-distributing hospital systems, it was possible to create an electronic data processing system that allow you to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

Keywords: internal logistics, information system, process management, clinical risk management.






Del Bene L., Ceccarelli R. (2016), Il contributo del Sistema Informativo alla gestione logistica dei materiali. Un caso studio nel settore sanitario, Management Control, 1, pp. 149-172, Doi: 10.3280/MACO2016-001009.