Call for papers 9th International Conference on New Business Models, special track on “Management and accountability for sustainable business models”

Si porta a conoscenza dei soci che le colleghe Silvia Cantele and Assunta Di Vaio, insieme a Burcin Hatipoglu, hanno organizzato una special track on  “Management and accountability for sustainable business models”  all’interno del  9th International Conference on New Business Models #NBM2024.

Per maggiori informazioni si riporta di seguito il loro messaggio:

Call for Contributions
9th International Conference on New Business Models #NBM2024
Doctoral Colloquium: 3 July 2024
 Conference: 4 and 5 July 2024
Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon University, Donostia / San Sebastian

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce the 9th International Conference on New Business Models. The event will take place in Donostia / San Sebastian (Spain) on 3-5 of July 2024.

This year’s conference topic is Sustainable business models for the digital, green and inclusive transition.

A special track on  “Management and accountability for sustainable business models” is managed by Burcin Hatipoglu, Silvia Cantele and Assunta Di Vaio.
Submit your extended abstract or paper by February 1st!

Attached the call for contributions announcement:

Further submission guidelines and information are available on the conference website:
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Feel free to contact us for any questions and doubts at the address

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions and hope to see you at NBM2024!
Best regards.
Burcin Hatipoglu, Silvia Cantele and Assunta Di Vaio