Does the Adoption of Planning and Control Tools Influence Performance? Opinions of Grantors and Grantees About Non-profit Projects

Boesso Giacomo; Cerbioni Fabrizio; Menini Andrea

This study analyzes whether a positive association exists between foundations’ adoption of accounting control tools and the perceived economic and social performance. Data are collected through a survey addressed to both decision-makers of Italian banking foundations (IBFs) and grantees that received project-related donations from the same IBFs. Results show a positive association between the adoption of selected planning and control tools (i.e., definition of project budget, in-progress monitoring, and utilization of operating performance indicators) and performance. Meanwhile, a second set of more complex tools (i.e., ex-post valuation of activities, direct operative support offered from foundations to their grantees, and social key performance indicators) records a mixed association with social performance and a negative association with economic performance.

Keywords: Italian Banking Foundations (IBF), strategic philanthropy, planning and control

Boesso G., Cerbioni F., Menini A. (2022). Does the Adoption of Planning and Control Tools Influence Performance? Opinions of Grantors and Grantees About Non-profit Projects, Financial Reporting, 2,pp. 35-55. Doi: 10.3280/FR2022-002002