The digital transformation process in the agri-food sector: A case study

Chamochumbi D. G. Denisse, Ciambotti Massimo, Palazzi Federica, Sgrò Francesca

The paper investigates the ongoing digital transformation process in a firm operating in the agri-food sector by analyzing the approach adopted, the barriers and challenges faced when implementing digital technologies, and the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on this process. The authors opted for a qualitative approach based on a single case study. The results suggest that the preferred approach of top management played a crucial role in supporting the changes brought about by the transformation. Specifically, it is a conscious, incremental, and critical approach that combines digitalization and craftsmanship. The research reveals four barriers to the implementation of digital technologies: resistance to change, a lack of digital skills, an inadequate organizational structure, and financial constraints. Furthermore, the results show that the Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the implementation of digital technologies, which was already in progress during the pre-pandemic period.

Keywords: Digital transformation, Digital technologies, Covid-19, Agri-food sector, Case study

G. Denisse Chamochumbi D., Ciambotti M., Palazzi F., Sgrò F. (2022). The digital transformation process in the agri-food sector: A case study, Management Control, Suppl. 2, pp 43-70. DOI: 10.3280/MACO2022-002-S1003.