Si segnalano a nome del Prof. Lee Parker i tre prossimi eventi legati alla conferenza APIRA 2022 (Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting).

Ogni evento è costituito da una sessione virtuale di 90 minuti, in cui alcuni relatori intervengono e rispondono a domande su specifici temi nell’ambito di accounting. Ogni evento è registrato e tutti gli iscritti potranno accedere alla registrazione nella settimana successiva all’evento.

Di seguito temi e relatori dei tre eventi

16 FEBBRAIO, 2022 – Accounting in a Covid-World

Assoc. Prof Giulia Leoni
Prof Kathryn Haynes
Prof Laurence Ferry

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed our world. Population health has been under siege. Lockdown and infection control measures have saved lives but changed the way we work and live with visible long-term implications for society, economy, and governments. There is an ongoing impact on everyone and everything: institutions, organisations, governments, businesses and society. Accounting and accountability are no exception.

From multiple perspectives, this session will reflect on the role of accounting in the COVID-19 emergency: in constructing and influencing government, third sector, and business organisations’ policies and responses. In considering how accounting and accountability practices changed, succeeded, and even malfunctioned, this session focusses on their present and future impact on organisational life and the human condition.

 8 GIUGNO 2022 – The Accountability Research Agenda

Prof Enrico Bracci
Prof Warren Maroun
Prof Elena Giovannoni

12 OTTOBRE 2022 – Accounting, auditing, and digital transformation: implications and critical issues

Prof Indrit Troshani
Prof Giuseppe Grossi
Prof Jodie Moll

Le registrazioni sono già aperte per il primo dei tre eventi.

E’ possibile registrarsi a questo link https://apira.onlive.events/

Le sopraindicate info sono presenti anche all’interno del documento allegato: APIRA 2022 INTERDISCIPLINARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH WEBINARS announcement (2)


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