Il ruolo delle matrici di “Materialità” e di “Performance” per il controllo della sostenibilità

Buscarini Cristiana , Cerroni Fabio, Scarnecchia Livia

Control tools for a sustainability-oriented governance: The materiality matrix and the sustainability performance matrix

Purpose: This study aims at highlighting the role of two useful tools for organizations when it comes to sustainability-oriented governance: the materiality matrix proposed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the sustainability performance matrix that the authors developed.

Methodology: We have verified the matrices’ benefits by applying it to the Italian Swimming Federation (FIN). For the construction of the matrices, the authors collected data using an online questionnaire. The research team presented the questionnaire to all subjects who communicated with the FIN in 2019.

Results: The matrices used for our study have proved to be very useful tools to support organizations in the implementation of sustainability-led strategic processes and control systems. Moreover, the above-mentioned matrices proved particularly useful for cultural control, planning and cybernetic control.

In the specific case of the materiality matrix, we have observed that sustainability aspects scored very highly and that those aspects drove the FIN’s strategic direction.

Moreover, the sustainability performance matrix’s results confirmed the chosen path’s validity since all internal and external stakeholders had evaluated the already implemented actions very positively to achieve greater sustainability.

Implications: The method described in this study enables companies to be guided in choosing aspects of sustainability and in controlling corporate performance concerning sustainable development.

Keywords: Sustainability disclosure, Corporate strategy, Corporate governance, Strategic control, Stakeholder engagement, Materiality matrix, Sustainability performance matrix.



Buscarini C., Cerroni F., Scarnecchia L. (202). Il ruolo delle matrici di "Materialità" e di "Performance" per il controllo della sostenibilità, Management Control, 2, pp. 87-106. DOI:10.3280/MACO2021-002005