The use of Big data analytics and artificial intelligence tools to prevent fraud in the audit field: A conceptual frame

Marcello Raffaele


During the past decades, because of several financial scandals the problem of fraud and fraud detection has become more relevant, involving investors, organizations and other stakeholders. In this respect, the role of the auditors and forensic accountants became pivotal in order to guarantee fraud detection and to minimize the expectation gap. The digitalization of firms’ activities, known as “industry 4.0”, includes the audit process too. Big Data analytics and artificial intelligence can be used with the aim of identifying and preventing fraud. The goal of this article is to analyse the adoption of Big data and artificial intelligence technique in the fraud auditing environment through the review of the existing literature on the matter, the possible adoption of Big data and artificial intelligence is discussed.

KEYWORDS: Fraud auditing, fraud, Big Data, Artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0.

Marcello, R. (2020). The use of Big data analytics and artificial intelligence tools to prevent fraud in the audit field: A conceptual frame, RIREA n.3, pp. 380-389.