La fondazione di Ca’ Foscari ed il corso di laurea in Economia Aziendale: due tappe fondamentali nel percorso della cultura manageriale

Bergamin Barbato Maria

ABSTRACT: (THE FOUNDATION OF CA’ FOSCARI UNIVERSITY AND ITS DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: TWO MILESTONES IN THE MANAGERIAL CULTURE). The establishment of the Bachelor in Business Administration in 1971, at Ca’ Foscari is a milestone in the development of the management culture in Venice started since the time of the Venetian Republic, as is amply demonstrated by the documents found in the Archive State. The wide diffusion of culture administration and accounting make Venice the perfect place: the founding of the Royal School of Commerce in 1868; for the establishment of the university course in Economics in 1913; for the presentation of the new regulations, the Business Administration in 1926; for the establishment of the Bachelor in Business Administration in 1971.

KEYWORDS: Accounting History, The managerial culture in Venise in the past centuries, The Business School foundation in Venise.

Bergamin Barbato, M. (2016). La fondazione di Ca' Foscari ed il corso di laurea in Economia Aziendale: due tappe fondamentali nel percorso della cultura manageriale, RIREA, n.1, pp. 15-22.