Le unioni di comuni: forme di autonomia locale o aggregazioni formali? Evidenze da una ricerca sul campo

Del Bene Luca, Zarone Vincenzo, Cerioni Eva, Alemanno Giuseppe Salvatore

ABSTRACT: (THE UNIONS OF MUNICIPALITIES: FORMS OF LOCAL AUTONOMY OR FORMAL AGGEGATION? EVIDENCE FROM FIELD RESERCH). The paper analyzes some relevant features of unions of municipalities, seeking determinants, characteristics and performance of the unitary management path of functions and services, in a sample of entities stratified by size, organizational characteristics and type of activities. The authors focus on a number of crucial issues, mainly related to: the reasons behind the establishment of the union and the conditions that facilitate or hinder the proper functioning of the union; the types of functions and services provided through the unions, and the determinants of the choice. The methodological approach, in line with the objectives and in consideration of the specific nature of the units being surveyed, has quali-quantitative characteristics; the authors administered semi-structured questionnaires to the top management of the unions (general secretary and / or general manager). The research questions are related: to the presence of one or more “driving” functions or services, particularly relevant in the decision to set up the union or from the point of view of the convenience of the associated management for participating organizations; to the preponderance of the pressure to comply with the regulation, during the establishment phase or in relation to the decision to remain within the network as an active subject. A further element of interest is the analysis of the prevalence of the functions/services to the outside or those supporting internal processes of the participating institutions, which can reveal, for example, mistrust in the associated management of the services to the outside, in view of the fear that the associated management may worsen citizen services (especially in terms of reduced accessibility), with the result that the union will rely exclusively (or almost) on services without direct impact on the community. The research results show that obtaining benefits for citizens and for individual institutions depends on many factors, not solely attributable to the parameter of the population density and that incentives may prove insufficient or counterproductive. The differences from a local situation to another imply, furthermore, problems both quantitative (business volumes and cost reductions), qualitative and organizational (among others, the integration of different organizational cultures).

KEYWORDS: union of municipalities, local autonomy, management of public services.

Del Bene, L., Zarone, V., Cerioni, E., Alemanno, G.S. (2017). Le unioni di comuni: forme di autonomia locale o aggregazioni formali? Evidenze da una ricerca sul campo, RIREA, n.1, 68-90.