Integrating sustainable development goals within companies’ decision-making process. The role of integrated thinking and reporting

Busco Cristiano, Granà Fabrizio, Izzo Maria Federica


This article aims to explore the role integrated thinking and reporting in fostering the integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within companies’ strategies and business models. After reviewing the literature on SDGs integrated thinking and reporting, we draw on the experience of ENI and City Developments Limited (CDL) to shed the light on the potential advantages that organizations can obtain by leveraging on the interconnections between SDGs, capitals and strategy execution. In particular, we find that both integrated thinking and SDGs can support organisations in allocating capitals, prioritizing activities and developing a clear and successful strategy towards a better and holistic approach to sustainable development and value creation.

KEYWORDS: Integrated Reporting, Integrated Thinking, Sustainable Development Goals.

Busco, C., Granà, F. & Izzo, M. F. (2019). Integrating sustainable development goals within companies’ decision-making process. The role of integrated thinking and reporting, RIREA, special issue, pp. 4-20