L’azienda universale; per un incontro fra religioni diverse ovvero la speranza oltre i conflitti

Catturi Giuseppe


In this study we would like to identify areas of theoretical reflection and operational fields in which we can reach a concordance of ideas that enables the creation of unitary and common projects for the development of all communities. After all, ideas do govern the world. Facts matter too, but while they represent the past, ideas are the future. One of these ideas is that synthesized in the term Good Government. It is a socio-political and institutional condition that goes beyond space and time, in the sense that it is sought and demanded by every living people in any historical moment.We would like to frame the Good Government in a particular cultural dimension, that is the business administration one, thus proposing a concept of a business organization to be judged valid and shared in any environment in which it may exercise its activity. For this reason, we deal with the universal business organization. Its traits are 1) the people that make up the specific business community, 2) the function assumed by that community, which is realized in “creating economic value” and 3) the aim, that is its basic objective of satisfying human needs.After all, the Good Government of business organizations becomes operative if each one of them is assured for full freedom for planning the most suitable and possible lines of development. Nevertheless, such freedom turns to be mere arbitrariness when business organizations’ conduct does not rest on another pillar, that is the responsibility of the effects for decisions made gradually. Economic responsibility, related not only to the creation of economic value, but also to the nature of the resources used and the processes of their use; social responsibility, relating to the work environment and internal relationships between business organizations’ bodies; political responsibility, referred to individuals and institutions that make up the social community to which the business organization belongs; environmental or eco-compatible responsibility, regarding the use of environmental heritage.The boundaries of the business administration area, as they are today, are too narrow, since its poles are man on one side, and the natural environment on the other side. Thus, it is around these “hinges” that we must reconsider the traditional axioms and redesign the usual scenarios. The operation of the business organization is no longer just in the interests of its owner or of a small circle of people, but rather of the man in his entirety, who is an operator in the company, but also the one who enjoys the beauties of Created, linking, on a single plane, different political opinions, economic criteria and religious sentiments.

KEYWORDS: Good Government, Universal business organization, Economic responsibility

Catturi, G. (2019). L'azienda universale; per un incontro fra religioni diverse ovvero la speranza oltre i conflitti, RIREA, n.1, pp. 82-98